March 11-15, 2013
The Savoy Hotel, Miami Beach, FL
Organized by Nikolai Saveliev
This workshop will be held in connection with the FRG project supported by the NSF Grant DMS-1065905 "FRG: Collaborative Research: The Topology and Invariants of Smooth 4-manifolds". It will host the principal investigators on the grant and several invited researchers. The discussion will center around exotic smooth structures on small 4-manifolds, using techniques from gauge theory, symplectic topology, and Floer homology.
Among invited speakers is Dr. Tomasz Mrowka from MIT, who will give a short course "Instanton Floer Homology for Webs and Foams" on March 12-13. Other speakers will be determined during the workshop.
Monday: Li, Karakurt, Chen (morning)
Tuesday: Mrowka (morning), Ruberman (afternoon)
Wednesday: Mrowka (morning), Akbulut (afternoon)
Thursday: Akhmedov, Van-Horn Morris, Yasui (morning)
Friday: Arikan, Wu (morning)
Selman Akbulut - Michigan State University
Anar Akhmedov - University of Minnesota
Mehmet Arikan - University of Rochester
Kenneth Baker - University of Miami
Weimin Chen - University of Massachusetts
Cagri Karakurt - University of Texas
Thomas Leness - Florida International University
Tian-Jun Li - University of Minnesota
Tomasz Mrowka - MIT
Daniel Ruberman - Brandeis University
Nikolai Saveliev - University of Miami
Jeremy Van Horn-Morris - University of Arkansas
Weiwei Wu -Michigan State University
Kouichi Yasui - Hiroshima University, Japan
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