December 16 - December 20, 2003
Organizers: Fedor Bogomolov, Bruno de Oliveira, Yuri Tschinkel, Alan Zame
This conference will be devoted to applications of geometric ideas in algebra, analysis and number theory. It is intended for researchers as well as graduate students from all countries. One of the main goals is to promote the exchange of ideas between researchers: the participants will get to know the Department of Mathematics of the University of Miami and may initiate collaborations with mathematicians from Miami as well as with other attending specialists.
The conference takes place at the University of Miami, and hosts about 50 participants.
Valery Alexeev (University of Georgia, Athens)
David Ben-Zvi (University of Texas, Austin)
Laurent Berger (Harvard University)
Jean-Benoit Bost (Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Alexander Braverman (Brown University)
Michel Brion (Institut Fourier, Grenoble)
Nero Budur (Johns Hopkins University)
Corrado De Concini (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
James Carlson (Clay Mathematics Institute)
Fabrizio Catanese (University of Bayreuth)
Ching-Li Chai (University of Pennsylvania)
Ivan Cheltsov (University of Georgia, Athens)
Ivan Cherednik (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Jordan Ellenberg (Princeton University)
Brendan Hassett (Rice University)
Tamas lHausel (University of Texas, Austin)
Jochen Heinloth (University of Goettingen)
Kiran Kedlaya (MIT)
Francois Loeser (ENS, Paris)
Michael McQuillan (IHES)
Bjorn Poonen (University of California, Berkeley)
Miles Reid (University of Warwick)
Romyar Sharifi (Harvard University)
Nick Shepherd-Barron (University of Cambridge)
Markus Spitzweck (University of Goettingen)
Jason Starr (MIT)
Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer (University of Cambridge)
LucienSzpiro (Graduate Center CUNY)
Harry Tamvakis (Brandeis University)
Burt Totaro (University of Cambridge)
Vadim Vologodsky (University of Chicago)
Mariusz Wodzicki (University of California, Berkeley)
Yuri Zarhin (Penn State University)
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