Algebraic, Symplectic and Arithmetic Geometry
Dedicated to Prof. Fedor Bogomolov
on the occasion of his 60th birthday
December 18 - 22, 2005
Sponsored by the University of Miami and the NSF
Organizers: Shulim Kaliman, Ludmil Katzarkov, Bruno de Oliveira, Tony Pantev, Yuri Tschinkel, Alan Zame
Lecture Series:
- Alexeev, Valery - University of Georgia
- Amoros Torrent, Jaume - UPC (Spain)
- Auroux, Denis - Massachussetts Institute of Technology
- Dolgachev, Igor - University of Michigan
- Eliashberg, Yakov - Stanford University
- Esnault, Helene - Universitat Duisburg in Essen
- Hassett, Brendan - Rice University
- Kaledin, Dmitry - Steklov Institute for Math, Moscow
- Kollár, Janos - Princeton University
- McQuillan, Michael - University of Glabgow
- Pandharipande, Rahul - Princeton University
- Ramachandran, Mohan - SUNY at Buffalo
- Siu, Yum-Tong - Harvard University
- Teicher, Mina - Emmy Noerther Institute
- Voisin, Claire - Institute of Mathematics Jussieu
- Zhang, Shou-wu - Columbia University
Other Participants Include:
- Abouzaid, Mohammed - University of Chicago
- Apanasov, Boris - University of Oklahoma
- Boutchaktchiev, Vilislav - University of Miami
- Bogomolov, Fedor - University of Miami
- Doherty, Davis - University of Washington
- Derenthal, Ulrich - New York University
- Guttikar, Chaitanya - Princeton University
- Huh, Sukmoon - University of Michigan
- Jabbusch, Kelley - University of Washington
- Katzarkov, Ludmil - University of Miami
- Korotiaev, Mikhail - New York University
- Kholodenko, Arkady - Clemson University
- Knecht, Amanda - Rice University
- Lanave, Gabriele - Lehigh University and CIMS
- Liu, Dajiang - Rice University
- Lee, Nam-Hoon - University of Michigan
- Miroslav, Iotov - Florida International University
- Pantev, Tony - University of Pennsylvania
- Petrov, Tihomir - University of California, Irvine
- Tschinkel, Yuri - New York University