NOTICE: CONTINUING STUDENTS – For early fall 2025 and summer 2025 registration, ALEKS is available now until Wednesday, April 30. NEW INCOMING STUDENTS – ALEKS will be available from May 3 to August 24. Be sure to check your Road-to-UM checklist in your application portal.
How to Take ALEKS
To take ALEKS you will need reliable, fast-internet connection, a functioning web camera, microphone, and speakers. You must use Respondus LockDown for all ALEKS attempts, and Respondus Monitor for proctored ALEKS. You will be prompted to download LockDown from the ALEKS site when you first access the program. Check the banner of this page for the dates of availability for ALEKS.
To access ALEKS and take the assessment:
- Go to and log in to CaneLink for Students with your UM credentials and Duo Authentication.
- On your Student Home Page, find the Admissions tab, then click on the "ALEKS Math Placement Assessment" link. Click there and then on the blue box for incoming students for the current term.
- You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire.
- Then, you will see the ALEKS main page and can begin an assessment, access the modules, etc.
- A password will be required for proctored ALEKS and it is found below on this page.
You will have three attempts at ALEKS (see GUIDELINES below):
- Your first attempt will be an un-proctored assessment which is for practice only. Nevertheless, you should take this attempt seriously as it will give you an idea of what to expect. This attempt will be timed for 2 hours and will require LockDown Browser. Unproctored ALEKS scores do not affect your math placement and will not be recorded in CaneLink.
After your first attempt, you will have access to the Prep & Learning Modules within ALEKS. If you'd like to review the types of problems you missed, please work in the modules before your next attempt.
There is a 24-hour waiting period before you can complete your next attempt.
- Your second attempt at ALEKS will be proctored and will require a password. The proctored attempt is timed for 2 hours, requiring LockDown and Monitor with a working web camera, microphone, and speakers.
If you are satisfied with your proctored ALEKS score, then you may enroll in the appropriate math course according to the placement guide.
- If you would like to take proctored ALEKS again, you will first need to spend 5 hours in the modules reviewing. Also, remember that you have to wait at least 24 hours before your next attempt. Your third attempt at ALEKS will be timed for 2 hours and will require LockDown and Monitor with a working web camera, microphone, and speakers.
Guidelines for Proctored ALEKS
- While taking ALEKS, you should not access other resources (a phone, tablet, notes, books, etc.) or communicate with other people. Do not wear headphones or ear pods while taking the assessment. Make sure the area around your computer is clear of papers with writing, books, phones, calculators, etc.
- Only 4 blank sheets of paper and a pencil/pen are permitted during the assessment. Your phone should be placed far enough away from you that you would need to stand to pick it up.
- You may not use any type of handheld calculator. On problems in which a calculator is permitted, one will be provided in ALEKS.
- You will be prompted to complete a 360o environment check.
- You must position your computer and webcam so that you SHOW YOUR FACE, TORSO, BOTH HANDS AND YOUR ENTIRE WORK SPACE AT ALL TIMES. To achieve this, you will need to push your computer slightly away from you and tilt the webcam. This is required.
- No outside resources are permitted. You are expected to adhere to the University of Miami Honor Code. Failure to follow these guidelines could NULLIFY your score and are considered a violation of the University of Miami HONOR CODE.
This is the expected webcam position:

Please stay in your seat and focus on your assessment until you are finished. If an interruption occurs, briefly explain what happened by speaking directly to your webcam. And, finally, remember that you cannot exit ALEKS until all questions are completed and you have submitted it for grading. There are a maximum of 30 questions. The assessment usually takes 90 minutes to complete, but it is timed for 2 hours. If your time runs out, your assessment will be submitted.
Have your identification ready before you take ALEKS.
Acceptable Identification:
- Your CANE ID card
- State Driver's License
- State Issued Personal Identification with photo
- Valid Passport
No Zoom connection is required, only Respondus LockDown and Monitor using the web camera.
The password for proctored ALEKS is: CANESMATHSPR25
If you encounter technical difficulties, please visit one of these sites:
• Technical Requirements and Instructions for Downloading LockDown
• ALEKS Customer Support and Troubleshooting LockDown Issues
• CaneLink Single Sign-on Issues
Please note that if you take ALEKS outside of regular business hours, technical support may not be available.
Quick Facts about the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment
- The ALEKS Math Placement Assessment has a maximum of 30 questions. Your ALEKS subscription is for 1 year.
- The assessment will take approximately 90 minutes to complete, but the amount of time will vary by student since the test is adaptive. Proctored ALEKS assessments will be timed for completion in 120 minutes.
- You will need a pen or pencil and paper. You may not receive assistance from any individual, websites, textbooks, smart phone, smart watch, or any other resource not provided by ALEKS. Using outside resources may lead to improper placement and ultimately course failure.
- An on-screen calculator will be provided in ALEKS in the case that you need one to complete a particular problem. Otherwise, you may not use a calculator.
- Your subscription to the recommended ALEKS Prep and Learning Module is only for 6 months. If you want to repeat the assessment, do not begin your module until you know you can complete the required 5 hours. You will be blocked from repeating the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment once your 6-month subscription to the module expires.
- There is a 24-hour waiting period before you are allowed to repeat the assessment.
For more information, see ALEKS FAQs.