Everything Disperses to Miami - Program


Principal Speakers

Don DeAngelis, University of Miami and the United States Geological Service
William Fagan, University of Maryland and National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
Suzanne Lenhart, University of Tennessee and National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)
Yuan Lou, Ohio State University and Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI)
Wei-Ming Ni, University of Minnesota, East China Normal University (ECNU) and Center for Partial Differential Equations ECNU
Jianhong Wu, York University and Centre for Disease Modeling

Special Sessions

Epidemiology through the lens of ecology
The evolution of dispersal
Non-local dispersal in ecology and epidemiology
The impact of global change in ecology and epidemiology
Recent advances in nonlinear analysis and partial differential equations arising from models of biological dispersal
Recent synergies between state-of-the-art empirical and theoretical advances in the study of dispersal

Epidemiology through the lens of ecology

Conveners: Dr. Michel Langlais (Bordeaux) and Dr. Matthew Potts (University of California Berkeley)


  1. John Beier
  2. Arnaud Ducrot
  3. Marisa Eisenberg
  4. Daozhou Gao
  5. Wayne Getz
  6. Juan Gutierrez
  7. Michel Langlais
  8. Pierre Magal
  9. Hideki Murakawa
  10. Matthew Potts
  11. Suzanne Robertson
  12. Rebecca Tyson

The evolution of dispersal

Conveners: Dr. Priyanga Amarasekare (UCLA) and Dr. Vlastimil Krivan (Czech Academy)


  1. Peter Abrams
  2. Greta Bocedi
  3. Ross Cressman
  4. John Fryxell
  5. Vlastimil Krivan
  6. Douglas Morris
  7. Dan Munther
  8. Andrew Nevai
  9. Pradeep Pillai
  10. Justin Travis
  11. Fei Xu

Non-local dispersal in ecology and epidemiology

Conveners: Dr. Salome Martinez (University of Chile) and Dr. Frithjof Lutscher (University of Ottawa)


  1. Jerome Coville
  2. Jimmy Garnier
  3. Jon Jacobsen
  4. Frithjof Lutscher
  5. Salome Martinez
  6. Thomas Mueller
  7. Jeffrey Musgrave
  8. Gregoire Nadin
  9. Mike Neubert
  10. Andrew Noble
  11. Jorge Ramirez
  12. Ying Zhou

The impact of global change in ecology and epidemiology

Conveners: Dr. Huaiping Zhu (York) and Dr. Jorge Velasco-Hernandez (Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo)


  1. Ahmed Abdelrazec
  2. Fola Agusto
  3. Jorge Alfaro
  4. Lydia Bourouiba
  5. Brian Coburn
  6. Guihong Fan
  7. Mark Lewis
  8. Rongsong Liu
  9. Mayra Nunez-Lopez
  10. Don Olson
  11. Tim Reluga
  12. Chanhua Shan
  13. Jorge Velasco-Hernandez
  14. Juping Zhang
  15. Huaiping Zhu

Recent advances in nonlinear analysis and partial differential equations arising from models of biological dispersal

Conveners: Dr. Hal Smith (Arizona State University) and Dr. Patrick DeLeenheer (University of Florida)


  1. Patrick De Leenheer
  2. Thomas Hillen (video)
  3. Yu Jin
  4. Adrian Lam
  5. Dung Le
  6. Bingtuan Li
  7. Julian Lopez-Gomez
  8. Wei-Ming Ni
  9. Dan Ryan
  10. Sebastian Schreiber
  11. Junping Shi
  12. Hal Smith
  13. Horst Thieme
  14. Zhi-Cheng Wang
  15. Chuan Xue
  16. Xiao-qiang Zhao

Recent synergies between state-of-the-art empirical and theoretical advances in the study of dispersal

Conveners: Dr. Carol Horvitz (University of Miami) and Dr. Eelke Jongejans (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)


  1. James Bullock
  2. Hal Caswell
  3. Ellen Damschen
  4. Luca Giuggioli
  5. Denise Hardesty
  6. Carol Horvitz
  7. Patrick Jansen
  8. Eelke Jongejans
  9. Pedro Jordano
  10. Christopher Klausmeier
  11. Helene Muller-Landau
  12. Ran Nathan
  13. Marco Visser
